Good Vs Great

Good Vs Great

Have you ever thought about trying something new or picking back up something that you used to do in the past? A hobby, a DIY, or a new workout? Is there a project at work or a new career move you have been thinking about  Read More

You Never Know About People

You Never Know About People

The large cemetery across the street from my home has quiet neighbors and a great space to go and meditate. However, this is where I go to throw the ball for my energetic pup in a clearing adjacent to it. This morning as Coral and  Read More

Our Cocoons

Our Cocoons

There are days that we want to curl into our lives like cocoons with no concern or attention to anything outside of our direct contact. These are the days the reality of a much larger and troubling world is thrown right in our face. The  Read More

Keeping Mindful

Keeping Mindful

Just Let Go! As one of the most overused phrases in our culture, do we even know what this means?  Our instinct for anything that is a burden to us is to mull over it and cause ourselves mental anguish. We worry and hand ring  Read More