Good Vs Great

Good Vs Great

Have you ever thought about trying something new or picking back up something that you used to do in the past? A hobby, a DIY, or a new workout? Is there a project at work or a new career move you have been thinking about but waiting for the right time? Have you been putting something off in your life because you’re not sure how “good” you will be at it? Often when these situations arise, we allow great to get in the way of good. I call it “perfection paralysis”. It’s a form of procrastination that I practice on a regular basis. If there is something that I want to do or need to do and I don’t feel like I can do it with greatness I don’t do it at all. When often good is just fine. It’s kinda like popcorn. Even not great popcorn is pretty darn good. Now, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t strive for greatness in everything we do, but sometimes that expectation is a self imposed obstacle. By jumping over that obstacle to create goodness in your life, great just magically appears. This is because we all have greatness in us and as we apply ourselves for the good we wind up with great. So don’t let your fear of not being great keep you from starting something. Good is still good, not bad and great will follow because your are full of greatness!

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