Homemade Pasta Dough

Homemade Pasta Dough

I love fresh PASTA!!! Growing up in eastern NC I thought the only way to eat noodles was either in macaroni salad or spaghetti, never fresh. Sometimes my mother would get the big flat egg noodles and make beef stroganoff. This dish reminds me of an upscale vegetarian stroganoff and it is warm and hearty. When my husband brought home a pasta maker from a yard sale I didn’t understand just how easy it is to make pasta fresh so it sat in the closet. Lately, we have been experimenting with different pastas since it is a fun way to cook together. This is an easy to make dough just make sure to put on your favorite 3-4 minute song and knead to the beat. That should be enough to get the dough nice and smooth.

Use a pasta maker with different settings so you can run the dough thru each time gradually getting lower settings and a thinner noodle. Cut in whatever shape you love. My cutter only does linguine and fettucine so I cut pappardelle by hand. It’s my favorite!

Make sure to pair the right sauce with the type of noodle. https://www.delish.com/cooking/g26990388/best-sauce-for-pasta-type/

There are many opinions on this but just think about the the bigger the sauce the bigger the past. Balance is key! In the kitchen and on your yoga mat.

homemade pasta dough

Homemade Pasta Dough Recipe

Homemade pasta is easier than you think. Small investment in a machine and some prep time and it's so worth every bite.
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 large portion


  • pasta maker


  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil good EVOO


  • On a clean surface shape flour into a bowl with a well in the center. Break eggs into the well. Add oil and salt. With a fork beat eggs gently to keep them contained in the flour bowl. Slow start to pull the flour into the eggs mixing with your hands. You may have to chase the eggs back into the bowl as you go. Mix until it forms and dough. Continue to turn and knead the dough until smooth and elastic. This should take about 10 minutes. Keep the surface floured if the mixture seems sticky. Add a little water if too crumbly. Yes, you have to get some dough under your fingernails to reap the rewards of delicious fresh pasta! Let the dough sit at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. It can be frozen at this point into small portions. Run the dough through a pasta roller to flatten thin. Then cut into fettucine.
    homemade pasta dough
  • kneading pasta dough
  • pasta maker fettucine
  • homemade pasta
Keyword dough, homemade, Pasta,

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