Lemon Electrolyte Water

Lemon Electrolyte Water

When life give you hot weather, use lemons to keep hydrated. As a hot yoga instructor, I have dealt with dehydration many times. I have had clients tell me that no matter how much water they drink when it is hot, plus hot yoga, they can’t keep hydrated. Well, your body needs other nutrients to truly keep hydrated, not just plain water. That’s why they invented sports drinks! But if you are like me you don’t want to take in the extra sugar or don’t care for the after taste of sugar alternatives. Not to mention they are expensive. Here is a great solution with very little cost to help your body stay juiced in the summer months. I make a pitcher every day that I plan to sweat.

Lemon Electrolyte Water

Great tasting hydration for hot days!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Course beverage
Servings 9 8 oz


  • 72 oz clean water, tap or bottled
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp salt, Himalayan sea salt is best


  • Combine juice, water, honey and salt in a large pitcher and stir well. Refrigerate if preferred. I like it room temp.
Keyword electrolyte, healthy lemonade, Lermon

1 thought on “Lemon Electrolyte Water”

  • And any day that includes hot yoga or a trip outside means sweating!!!!

    Looks good. I think I’ll try it with local lime and local sea salt.

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