Our Cocoons

Our Cocoons

There are days that we want to curl into our lives like cocoons with no concern or attention to anything outside of our direct contact. These are the days the reality of a much larger and troubling world is thrown right in our face. The angst that some of the outside world can cause requires us to withdraw to protect ourselves from suffering and sometimes we need to expose ourselves to all that is around us in order to feel human and connected even at the risk of emotional turmoil. This need can waiver like an emotional roller coaster. We all know this feeling. Especially over the last years of pandemic uncertainty and now war, there seems to be a constant unsettledness within us. Give yourself permission to go into your cocoon when you need it. Take time to limit your exposure to anything that doesn’t make you feel good. Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty for taking a break. Once you are refreshed it will be much easier to balance how you respond to our world as it is with gratefulness, love and empathy. You have to feel good to be good to do good things!

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